Tarot Diaries: A Story of Broken Towers + Starting Over

A Story of Broken Towers + Starting Over

Sometimes you need a shake up in your life. You may have fallen in a rut or have that inner knowing that it’s time to let something go but you’re too comfortable staying in your groove.

That’s exactly what happened to me. At the height of the psychic chat line boom, readers were so busy that they put all their eggs in the same work basket and made the mistake not to diversify.

I was one of those readers.

And you can imagine what happened next.

The Tower sneaks up behind you and leaves you seeing stars (literally).
Like a bolt of lightning, the Tower card not only reveals cracks in the foundations of your life but rips that sucker apart like a category 6+ earthquake.

When the psychic chat line I was working for got sold to a bigger company, readers got the rug pulled out from under them. They went from the comfort of a long term, steady paying gig to scrambling to find alternate sources of income just to stay as busy as they once were.

If you want to think about the imagery of the Tower Tarot card, the restructuring of the company led to people getting thrown right out of their created Towers.

This is an example of just how the Tower energy can manifest itself in your life. But, thankfully this story of change and upheaval had a happy ending.

I looked at the experience as the cosmic nudge I needed to branch out on my own and launch Ask Zuri. Fast forward to today: Here I am over 20 years later rocking my private practice and growing in ways I would have never thought possible.

With those lightning fast shifts on the chessboard can come amazing clarity to see new opportunities to move in a totally new direction.

So when you find yourself in a Tower moment, ask yourself:

What’s ready to leave your life?
In what ways have you outgrown the previous structures and foundations?

Be open to how you can build a better foundation from the cosmic rubble.

The Universe will always show you a better road way to your dreams, if you just stay flexible to the changes on the freeway of life.

Tarot Blessings!

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