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intuitive guidance
and energy healing for
adventurous s craving
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Angel Reiki

Energy Healing

Heavenly energy alchemy,
to bring you back into blissful alignment.
Everyone has “off” days. But, when you catch yourself wondering, over and over:
  • “I’ve been feeling really scattered and out of balance lately. What’s going on?”
  • “Why are my energy levels totally wonky?”
  • “Is there a reason I’m so zonked after dealing with that (family member / friend / coworker)?”
  • “What tools would support me in restoring my vibrational wellness?”

… It’s a symptom that your spirit self needs a little TLC. That’s where Reiki and the Angels step in for the rescue mission.

In my 20+ years as a healer, and learning from two gifted generations before me, I’ve worked my magic on hundreds of men and women around the world.

Now, with my spiritual team of Reiki guides and Archangels, I’m here to cut any energetic cords holding you back, and blast away the clouds of negativity throwing shade over your brilliance.

Think of it as a personal cosmic pick-me-up
that leaves you lighter, happier and more at peace.

This powerful soul-centered process channels healing straight in from the cosmos, to flow through your energy field (even if we’re miles or oceans away), strengthen your chakras, and shower you in sparkling healing vibes.

After a healing, you’ll also experience some fabulously refreshing shifts in your physical well being, and any less-than-fantastic emotional cycles you might be stuck in.

Ready to feel freakin’ incredible?
Here’s what you need to know:

These healing sessions are jam packed
with juicy, spirit-lovin’ goodness. They’re a gorgeous mix of 60 minutes of Angelic light, wisdom, and Reiki energy, to help you release stress and bless your surroundings with protection, abundance, joy and love. I also shower you in crystal and sound healing at different vibrational frequencies to cleanse and balance your chakras. All you have to do is open yourself to the magical experience… and watch what follows.

When you click “Buy”, you’ll get immediate access to my calendar. You can opt to have the healing light sent at a time when you’ll be asleep or at rest, so you can experience the full energy healing without interference. Both are equally effective.

Once you’ve chosen your desired time, you’ll be prompted to place your order and complete a healing intake form.  This is where you’ll share all your wishes for your session with me, along with any background about you and your challenges, so I can send that healing light right where it needs to go.

If you have opted to include an emailed energy report at checkout, I’ll send over an Energy Healing E-Guide after 7 days that details the process of Reiki healing, your chakra reading, and any additional Angelic guidance I picked up along the way. I’ll also include some of my favorite tips, rituals and crystal prescriptions for maintaining the positivity and flow after your healing.

I also offer a 6 session package of distance energy healing for clients who want to continue the healing work at a discount. This is great to schedule continuous Angel Reiki healing whenever you need it! Click here to book your package

If you have a situation that you’re not sure that a distance healing can help with, just send me a note and we can discuss it further.

Armed with these high-level spiritual support systems:

You’ll step past fear and find the confidence to make major decisions, re-think your habits, and create more of what you want in your life, today.


60 minutes of distance energy healing

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