The happiest place in the world (in my opinion) just might be on a jetski.

I’m a tarot reader, numerologist, intuitive guide, and healer put on this planet to help fantastic spirits (like you) learn to trust their intuition, cast light on their possibilities, and move towards their gorgeous goals, fearlessly.
For 30+ years, I've been forecasting the future, sending Reiki healing vibes, and weaving my coaching magic into the lives of men & women across the globe, armed with my trusty Tarot deck, fire magic, and A-team of Guides.
My work is my world. Helping brilliant people uncover answers to their aching questions, learn to apply spiritual techniques, and step courageously into their shining potential is my raison d’etre.
You might have caught me in your neck of the digital woods, in snazzy places like:
I’m a third generation psychic. My mother and grandmother before me had the gift, and were both professional readers and healers.
I grew up sitting at the kitchen table, listening in to my mom tossing cards for her friends, and watching my grandmother do powerful ritual and energy work for clients and loved ones alike.
Their talents were incredibly strong. And, as #3 in line, it was discovered I’d inherited the natural knack myself.
But every young adult wants to separate themselves from the ol’ family tree, at least for a little while - right?
In my case, that meant going the traditional route, and I headed off to college to major in economics and legal studies.
While I lived a pretty normal life, I couldn’t shake the natural empathic tendencies that so clearly ran in my veins.
I was always the one friends went to for advice, for help with their problems, and insight and support when it was needed. I loved having that connection with people, and showing them the possibilities beyond their issues, that revealed who they really were.
After college I decided to give the “real world” a shot.
But fate had something else in mind — as it so often does.
While I was a completely healthy, happy adult, I kept running into the same cyclical issue: About once a year, I’d be hit with an inexplicable, incredibly painful affliction that ravaged my digestive system.
Doctors ran every test they could think of, but couldn’t explain it. There was no diagnosis, and no treatment. The only proof there was anything wrong was the agony I’d find myself in, time after time.
If you’ve ever experienced something like that - you’ll understand the hopeless feeling. Every time it happened, I’d just curl up in a ball, knowing there was nothing to do but wait for the pain to subside - which took anywhere from a few days to weeks.
Then, I was sidelined by a flare-up that was worse than anything I’d ever experienced. And it lasted 2 weeks.
My doctors recommended a series of more advanced tests to get to the root cause - but I couldn’t afford to go further down the rabbit hole. I was financially and emotionally tapped out.
I gave up on trying to fight alone. In my haze of desperation and misery I reached out beyond myself, into the plane of divine guidance my mom and grandmother knew so well.
It was on that cold bathroom floor that I finally sent out a heartfelt SOS for Divine intervention.
And, to my amazement… help arrived.
Suddenly, the high-level, expensive tests I couldn’t afford became available through a philanthropic program (that mysteriously went defunct immediately after they were completed.)
Then, after the tests were complete… the pain miraculously disappeared, never to be seen again. And I haven’t run into the issue since.
Soon after I focused on learning the work my grandmother and mother had done before me. They showed me the ropes; meditation practices, the art of the tarot, crystal therapy, energy healing, dream work and psychic development exercises to strengthen my inner sight.
It was then I knew I needed to do this work full-time. And so, my road to you began.
While I’d initially intended to be a life coach with “behind the scenes” psychic abilities, I gave it a whirl, and realized it wasn’t what I needed to be doing. (Not to mention holding back on my natural talents was a pretty uncool thing to hide from my clients!)
I realized: the people I was attracting weren’t looking for just advice. They were on the hunt for tangible tools they could use to affect change, and see things from a different perspective so they could understand and move on.
I focused on offering all of my training to my clients - not just tarot readings - but the whole shebang of modalities, mixed into one magical bundle of insight, based on their individual needs and natural gifts.
I got certified in a range of metaphysical services and modalities (you can check those out below!) and continue to learn, every day.
And, slowly but surely, I crafted my way of working into what you see on this site. And the rest is heavenly history.
These days, I help people across town and across oceans cut through the fog of indecision and confusion, and show themselves the way, based on the options and possibilities I help to illuminate.
And, along the road, we play. We examine all sides of their talents and struggles. We make peace with their past and look their future in its shining face. I equip them with the tools and spiritual practices that will help them develop greater sovereignty, and trust themselves implicitly.
So now there’s just one question:
Just say the word, and we'll make some magic happen.
Lenormand Reader
& Healing Rituals
Angelic Guidance
Star Magic
Tarot Reader
Reiki Master
The happiest place in the world (in my opinion) just might be on a jetski.
I’m a total, complete foodie. My first gourmet dish? A french onion soup ;)
I live in Florida, but Boston is the city of my heart.
I dig thriller movies. The scarier, the better. My vintage fave? Poltergeist.
I’m also obsessed with The Blacklist (#noshame)
#TeamZuri is made up of my furry sidekicks: Tobey, Jake and Sasha. They supply purrs, cuddles and fluffy support of the highest order after a long workday.