Recurring Dream of Butterflies

Recurring Dream of Butterflies

Dear Zuri:

I’ve been having recurring dreams of butterflies flying out of my window. What does that mean?

– Rachel

Hi Rachel!

Each symbol in a dream is very personal to the dreamer so it may take some additional research into what each aspect of the dream means to you. Generally, a dream featuring butterflies speaks of transformations and changes in a person’s life.

According to Stephen D. Farmer, when a butterfly shows up, it means: “Get ready for a big change, one where an old habit, way of thinking, or lifestyle is going out, and a new way of being is emerging.” So, if this were my dream, I’d explore my present situation, where my life is currently headed and what changes I’d like to see happen. Some questions to ask yourself to bring more clarity to the dream’s messages:

Are you happy and at peace with the course you’re traveling?
Do you feel a sense of freedom connected to a change?
Are you ready to shift the path you’re on?

Your subconscious may be preparing you for a wonderful new beginning or helping you sort out what changes are necessary to bring you the most fulfillment. Intuitively, it feels like a positive message inspiring you to take action to create the life you desire. So, over the next few nights, take the time to program your dreams for deeper insights and see what your dream guides have to share.

Happy dreaming!
Zuri ♥