Three Strikes: Am I Being Catfished?

Three Strikes: Am I Being Catfished?

Dear Zuri:

My question is about a man I met over 5 months ago. He calls me every day, saying he loves me and wants to marry me. He lives in another country called Dubai and has said three times that he will come see me. However he never shows up.

Whenever this happens, I get angry and tell him that he is a liar. He is upset that I don’t understand him. I am really confused because I do not know what is he up to. Is he being honest? Please help. I cannot sleep or eat well wondering if I should trust him or let him go. I have been hurt by my ex and I do not want be hurt again.

– SJ 8/83 and MK 1/79

Hi SJ!

First of all, five months is a long time to be investing so much of your time and heart into a man you have never met. Especially, a man who has not shown any genuine and serious intent on moving your internet or phone relationship to a real life level. You’ve seen in his actions that he is not true to his word by the number of times he has failed to come see you like he promised. I hate to say it, but it sounds like you’ve been Catfished. The tarot cards are also further confirming that the blocks between you and this man are for your protection – if he was a man of his word, he would be there already.

My advice to you is to stop communicating with him, or you will be sure to get hurt. The likelihood of him becoming a serious relationship with a future is pretty slim. If he cannot be true to his word, then talk is cheap and you have to see him for what he is: an online ghost. By continuing to give him all these chances to disappoint you is letting yourself be at the emotional mercy of someone who does not deserve to be in such a position of power in your life.

No man is worth losing sleep over and not taking care of yourself. Get your power back by re-building your self-esteem and self-love. It’s time to tell him to take a hike and focus your energies on men who are emotionally and physically available. Set your dating standards higher and make sure their actions match their words before emotionally investing in any person. You are worth it.


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